East Side Baptist's Sunday School Classes
Diver Deeper Weekly in Your Christian Journey
Young Adult Class
Teacher: Roger & Lana Turley
Location: Downstairs in
HeBrews Café, A101
Location: Downstairs in
HeBrews Café, A101
Through the Bible
(All Ages)
Teacher: Roger Starnes
Location: Downstairs in Section 1 of the Fellowship Hall, A100
Location: Downstairs in Section 1 of the Fellowship Hall, A100
Teenager Bible Study
Teacher: David Brock
Location: Downstairs in Section 2 of the Fellowship Hall, A100
Location: Downstairs in Section 2 of the Fellowship Hall, A100
Legacy Builders
Teacher: Roger Jones
Location: Upstairs Room A209
Location: Upstairs Room A209
Welcome Women
Teacher: Charlene Brock
Location: Upstairs Room A205
Location: Upstairs Room A205
Friendship Women
Teacher: Evelyn Hunt
Location: Upstairs Conference Room
Location: Upstairs Conference Room
Men's Class
Teacher: Bear Nelson
Location: Upstairs A207
Location: Upstairs A207
Hearing Impaired
(All Ages)
Teacher: Maddaleen Nichols
Location: Upstairs A212
Location: Upstairs A212
Kids Side
First-Sixth Grade
Teacher: Sue Ann North
Location: Upstairs A210,
Whale Room
Location: Upstairs A210,
Whale Room
Nursery through Kindergarten
Childcare is always provided for parents of young children wanting to
attend any of our outstanding Bible Study classes listed above.
attend any of our outstanding Bible Study classes listed above.