Sunday school 2025 graphic only for online

East Side Baptist's Sunday School Classes

Diver Deeper Weekly in Your Christian Journey


Young Adult Class

Teacher: Roger & Lana Turley
Location: Downstairs in
HeBrews Café, A101

Through the Bible
(All Ages)

Teacher: Roger Starnes
Location: Downstairs in Section 1 of the Fellowship Hall, A100

Teenager Bible Study

Teacher: David Brock
Location: Downstairs in Section 2 of the Fellowship Hall, A100


Legacy Builders

Teacher: Roger Jones
Location: Upstairs Room A209

Welcome Women

Teacher: Charlene Brock
Location: Upstairs Room A205

Friendship Women

Teacher: Evelyn Hunt
Location: Upstairs Conference Room


Men's Class

Teacher: Bear Nelson
Location: Upstairs A207

Hearing Impaired
(All Ages)

Teacher: Maddaleen Nichols
Location: Upstairs A212

Kids Side
First-Sixth Grade

Teacher: Sue Ann North
Location: Upstairs A210,
Whale Room


Nursery through Kindergarten

Childcare is always provided for parents of young children wanting to
attend any of our outstanding Bible Study classes listed above.