Are there parking places reserved for first-time guests?
We have specially marked parking spaces for our first time guests on both sides of the church. Consider arriving at least 10 to 15 minutes prior to service.
What happens when I get there?
Our Welcome Center is located off of Sunset Dr. SE. Enter through the double glass doors under the awning. Greeters will welcome you at the door and will assist you in any way needed: guiding you and your children to a classroom designed for their age. Assisting you to a Bible Study class or to the church service at 10:30 am.
What do I do before the service starts?
As you enter you will receive a copy of the bulletin, which includes the Order of Service and information on many of the events taking place at East Side Baptist Church. If you arrive before the service starts, feel free to enter the Sanctuary and find a seat. If you arrive after the service has started the ushers will help you find a seat if needed.
What is the worship like?
Our desire is that you will feel comfortable participating in the worship service. There are times of joyful worship and praise, prayer, and a relevant message from God’s Word.
How are guests greeted?
Before the service our Welcome Team will extend a friendly greeting to you. Please let us know if you are a guest. Please fill out the Information Card that is attached to the bulletin you received upon entering the Worship Center. Drop the card in the offering plate as it is passed. This will help give us a record of your attendance and let us know how we can pray for you.
How will I know when to stand?
The worship leader will ask the congregation to stand or sit. Generally we stand during congregation songs, when Pastor reads from God's Word, and the invitation song near the end of the service.
How is prayer used at East Side?
Prayer plays an important part in the life of East Side Baptist Church. During the worship service we will have a time of corporate prayer. We also have Prayer Request Cards in the pew racks for you to share with us your prayer request. In addition, the Worship Center is open each Tuesday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm for a special time of prayer.
What is the Pastor’s message like?
You will hear a Bible-Based message taken from the book, chapter and verse being used. The messages are challenging and often sprinkled with appropriate humor. Past Sunday Messages can be found on the East Side Baptist Church Facebook page as well as here on our website.
Do you give invitations at the end of the service? What are they like?
At the end of the message, Pastor Matt will extend an invitation to anyone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He also asks those who would like to become part of our church family or to be baptized to make that known. You can come forward to where the pastor is standing and discuss your decision with him or one of our ministers.
Decisions that can be made for membership:
BY PROFESSION OF FAITH – If you are not yet a Christian but would like to be, or if you are a Christian but have never been baptized by immersion as a believer, which the Word of God commands, someone will pray with you and guide you in your decision.
BY TRANSFER OF LETTER – If you are a Christian and a member of a church of like faith and order, we will write to the church where you are a member and request that a letter of transfer be sent.
BY STATEMENT – If you are a Christian and have been baptized as a believer according to the scriptures, and do not either have current membership in a church or are currently a member of a church that does not grant letters of transfer, you can receive membership by your affirmation of the above.
Do I need to donate money when I visit?
East Side Baptist Church does encourage tithing. However, our guests are not expected to give anything. During the offering, if you have filled out the Information Card that’s attached to your bulletin we do ask you to drop it in the offering plate.
What Bible Study classes are offered?
We encourage people to participate in our Bible Study classes in order to grow in their relationship with Christ. Classes are offered for all ages at 9:30 a.m. Visit the Welcome Center for age specific classes. They will be happy to guide you to your rooms.